Homemade natural mask for Damaged Hair by type

How to Make Natural Hair Shampoo For Oily Hair, Dry Hair, Hair Loss and Hair dandruff - Well below are tips on how to make natural hair masks for oily hair, dry hair, hair loss and dandruff hair :
Natural Hair Mask by UPHil n RAGHiel

1. How to Make a Mask for oily hair:
Oily hair is actually not hard to take care anyway. Even if oil production often make hair limp, with proper care it will still look soft hair shine.

2 tablespoons plain yogurt 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How to apply:
1. Apply herb that has been mixed in the hair shaft to complete.
2. Allow up to 5-10 minutes before being rinsed with cold water.

Wash with shampoo and conditioner to use at the end of the hair shaft. Rinse again until clean.

2. How to Make a Mask for dry hair :
Obviously each type of hair should be treated differently according to the nutritional needs of hair. However, for dry hair or wavy stem that does not mean you need is a deep moisturizer. Provide extra moisture so that the hair shaft is no longer droughts and more gentle.

1 banana 3 tbsp plain mayonnaise 1 tsp olive oil

How to apply:
1. Apply hair that is dry to the herb that has been thoroughly mixed. Make sure the herb only applied to the hair shaft, not on the scalp.
2. After wrapping and thoroughly, wrap hair with a warm towel around 15-20 minutes. Make sure the towel stays warm so that the herb can penetrate more effectively.
3. Rinse with warm water and shampoo as usual. Do not forget to use conditioner on the ends of your hair after shampooing with any shampoo. Rinse again until clean.

3. How to Make a Mask for hair loss :
A hairstylist once said, when having hair loss treatments do not do cream bath. Massage the less precise will cause more hair loss. For the treatment Hairspa or hairmask is most appropriate.

2 tsp vegetable oil 10 drops of ylang-ylang aromatherapy

How to apply:
1. Gently massage a hair shaft with every herb that has been mixed. Remember, do not pull it too hard, so the hair does not fall out.
2. Let stand for 10 minutes, then wash as usual do. Conditioner should still be applied at the end of the hair shaft so hair does not dry out and remain nutritious.

4. How to Make Hair Masks for dandruff :
While dandruff hair care hairmask also be given. The benefit is that it stimulates the hair shaft conditions in order to remain healthy and strong, as well as reducing the amount of dandruff.

2 tsp vegetable oil 10 drops of tea tree aromatherapy

How to apply:
1. Massage-massage with herb hair shaft. For severe dandruff, you could put some herbs on the scalp.
2. Wrap with a warm towel and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water, then wash as usual.

REMEMBER : Perform maintenance hairmask above suits your hair type so that results can be maximized. Above methods can be successful if you are diligent in using it, at least try every day for 2 weeks straight if you want to see results. Hope it helps you Good luck!
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